Don't Drink? How to Get Through the Holidays Sober - Get Health Tips Trick


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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Don't Drink? How to Get Through the Holidays Sober

Tis' the season to assert yourself when boozy blowhards pressure you to imbibe. "Know your 'no', says addiction expert Mark Wallenbring, M.D., founder of ("Addiction Treatment for the 21st Century"). And practice it!

Visualize yourself enjoying yourself through a party and then leaving—just like an Olympic athlete visualizing the perfect dive.

Rehearse what to say when someone offers a drink. "Have a stock phrase that's short and doesn't invite further conversation, like, 'No thanks, I'm trying to get healthy' or "No thanks, I'm just laying off for a while'" says Dr. Willenbring.

Finally, rehearse your escape in your mind. "Leaving is always better than drinking."

RELATED: How to Drink Mindfully

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